experience the depths of life at Soulistic

becoming a practice member

before your first visit

Are you feeling curious about Dr. Meg’s work and want to see how it can help you? Do you have some questions you’d like to ask before scheduling your first visit? Use the link below to book a free connection call! (this step is optional) We’ll meet over zoom, so check your email for the link after scheduling.

click here to book a connection call

01. booking

Your first step is to schedule your first visit. After booking you’ll receive an email with a link to download your new client packet. The paperwork will take you about 20-30 minutes to fill out, so give yourself time! The investment for your first visit is $200.

click here to book your first visit

02. consultation

During the first part of your visit, you’ll sit down for a 1-to-1 consultation with Dr. Meg.  You’ll share about your health, your lifestyle, and your goals. You’ll receive answers for any questions you may have, and you’ll find out how Network Spinal will move you from where you are now to a place of optimal health. You’ll receive a hands-on exam, which will help you and Dr. Meg know what’s going on with the coherence of your spine and nervous system.

03. experience

At the end of your first visit, you will receive your first entrainment (Network Spinal adjustment). This will allow you to experience the work and how your body responds to it. Dr. Meg will then recommend a care plan for you and go over package options for continuing forward.

extraordinary results

extraordinary results

soulistic is perfect for you if you want…

✓ to feel more ease & energy in the body

✓ more energetic & emotional capacity

✓ to experience more presence in life

✓ to overcome anxiety, stress, & overwhelm

✓ to feel more connected to your body

✓ more self-awareness & empowerment

client testimonials

have a question?

  • There are so many reasons why people see chiropractors beyond physical pain. Most people actually come to soulistic for improvement of their mental/emotional state! Your nervous system communicates with you in a variety of ways and pain is only one way your body tells you something is going on. Some other signs that your body and nervous system is undergoing extra stress and needs support includes ~ anxiety, emotional outbursts, brain fog, low energy levels, difficulty sleeping and more. You see, we live in a world where we are experiencing more than just physical stress, there is an increase in chemical stresses (the foods we eat, pollution, medications), mental stresses and emotional stresses. Through light touch, NetworkSpinal helps your nervous system heal from all of this extra stress so that you can have a more full experience of life.

  • Network Spinal works through gentle touches in specific areas to help increase mind-body awareness. This cues your nervous system to liberate bound tension stored in your bones, discs, ligaments, tendons, muscles and other tissues. There is no manual adjustment of your bones, which is usually associated with a “cracking” or “popping” sound. Your bones still move and adjust, however it’s happening within you!

  • Your entrainment sessions are meant to help you experience greater body awareness. This can show up in many ways both on and off the table. You may notice changes in your breath, experience physical sensations of spontaneous movements (such as shaking, trembling, sweating, lifting, expanding, compressing, lengthening, stretching), or you may feel energetic shifts happening (like warmth, cooling, tingling, seeing colors). Emotional releases are also common with this work ~ you may experience tears or noises that need to be released. Whatever it is, please allow yourself to be with the experience, it’s all a part of the journey!

  • Absolutely! This can happen at any point in care. Just because you aren’t feeling something, doesn’t mean changes aren’t happening. Most of what goes on in our bodies happens without our conscious awareness, the same goes with our healing! And since healing goes beyond just our physical experience, you may feel nothing on the table and notice changes in your mental or emotional states in between sessions. My invitation to you would be to start to pay attention to the subtle changes. These can show up as more ease in your breath, a change in your heart rate, a softening of your facial muscles.

  • Definitely! The amount of pressure used for a Network Spinal entrainment is about the amount of pressure you’d use to see if an avocado is ripe, so it’s safe for all ages and life experiences. Children especially love this work because all it takes is a gentle touch to remind their nervous system that it’s okay to release stored tensions and just enjoy being a kid!