welcome to soulistic

Our mission at soulistic is to give you a safe healing sanctuary that allows you to connect to and explore the depths of life. As you receive Network Spinal care, you’ll have a more coherent nervous system, which allows you to heal from trauma, feel more embodied, be more empowered, and be more able to let your authentic nature shine. You can have a positive impact on the world around you when you are optimally healthy! You’ll love the gentle approach that provides the container, tools, and community to guide you on your transformational journey.

meet your chiropractor

hey! I’m Dr. Meg

My journey to becoming a chiropractor all started with a car accident back in 2015. I went in for whiplash and after a few months, I started to notice some other amazing things! My neck felt better, and I was also free from frequent sinus infections, ear infections, and general body discomfort that I dealt with for sooooo long. This made me super passionate about holistic health ~ I was literally telling everyone I knew to go see my chiro. Eventually, I decided to go to school to become a chiropractor myself.

During my first quarter of chiropractic school, I discovered Network Spinal, and it changed my life. I had a profound healing experience on the table where I knew I was accessing past emotional traumas. My body was able to heal things that my mind had consciously blocked out, and I just knew I had to know more. So I dove deep into studying this work.

Traditional chiropractic served me well, but Network was what really dramatically shifted my life. Healing my nervous system through this work allowed me to experience things I didn’t know were possible. I was able to move beyond constant anxiety as my body learned new ways to heal from and deal with stress (past and current!). All of this gave me more bandwidth to experience the magic of life.

I am so grateful to be here serving the city of St Pete. This place is truly magical!

what I help you create:

✓ more capacity to handle emotions

✓ self-awareness & empowerment

✓ a community of people who get you

✓ safety in your nervous system

✓ mind-body coherence

✓ physical, emotional, and energetic safety